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1) Choi CI, Park KC, Lee TH, Hong YK. Recurrence rates in pediatric patients undergoing microsurgical subinguinal varicocelectomy with and without testicular delivery. J Pediatr Surg. 2017 Sep;52(9):1507-1510

2) Choi CI, Kang M, Sung HH, Jeon HG, Jeong BC, Jeon SS, Lee HM, Seo SIL. Oncologic Outcomes of Cytoreductive Nephrectomy in Synchronous Metastatic Renal-Cell Carcinoma: A Single-Center Experience. Clin Genitourin Cancer. 2018 Dec;16(6), 1189-1199

3) Choi CI, Kang M, Sung HH, Jeon HG, Jeong BC, Jeon SS, Lee HM, Seo SIL. Comparison by Pentafecta Criteria of Transperitoneal and Retroperitoneal Robotic Partial Nephrectomy for Large Renal Tumors. J Endourol. 2020 Feb;34(2):175-183.

4) Choi CI, Kim JK, Choo MS, Lee SH, Chang JD, Han JH. Preventive effects of tamsulosin for postoperative urinary retention after lower limb arthroplasty: A randomized controlled study. Investig Clin Urol. 2021 Sep;62(5):569-576.

5) Choi C, Kim JK, Han K, Lee YG, Han JH. Effect of obesity and metabolic health on urolithiasis: A nationwide population-based study. Investig Clin Urol. 2022 Jan;63(1):63-70. doi: 10.4111/icu.20210332. PMID: 34983124; PMCID: PMC8756157.

6) Choi C, Kang M, Seo SI, Suh J, Song C, Chung J, Kim SH, Park JY, Hwang EC, Jeong CW, Kwak C, Kim JK, Hong SH. Retrospective Multicenter Analysis of Prognostic Risk Factors for One Year Recurrence in Patient With Renal Cell Carcinoma After Partial or Radical Nephrectomy: Results of Korean Renal Cancer Study Group (KRoCS) Database. J Korean Med Sci. 2024 Jan 22;39(3):e11.

7) Choi CI, Lee SJ, Choi JB, Kim TH, Lee JW, Kim JM, Bae S. 2023 Korean sexually transmitted infections guidelines by the Korean Association of Urogenital Tract Infection and Inflammation: Human papillomavirus vaccination. Investig Clin Urol. 2024 Mar;65(2):108-114.

8) Choi CI, Yu YD, Park DS. Ureteral Stent Insertion in the Management of Renal Colic during Pregnancy. Chonnam Med J. 2016 May;52(2):123-7

9) Lee SR, Kang H, Kang MH, Yu YD, Choi CI, Choi KH, Park DS, Hong YK. The Youngest Korean Case of Urachal Carcinoma. Case Rep Urol. 2015:707456

10) Yu YD, Kang MH, Choi CI, Shin HS, Oh JJ, Park DS. Clinical efficacy of combination therapy with an alpha blocker and low-dose sildenafil on post-therapy lower urinary tract symptoms after low-dose-rate brachytherapy for prostate cancer. World J Urol. 2016 Sep;34(9):1269-74

11) Kim JK, Choi C, Kim US, Kwon H, Lee SH, Lee YG, Han JH. Recent Trends in Transurethral Surgeries and Urological Outpatient Procedures: a Nationwide Population-based Cohort Study. J Korean Med Sci. 2020 Sep 28;35(38): e315.

12) Kim JK, Choi CI, Lee SH, Han JH, Shim YS, Choo MS; Young Endourological Study group. Silodosin for Prevention of Ureteral Injuries Resulting from Insertion of a Ureteral Access Sheath: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Eur Urol Focus. 2022 Mar;8(2):572-579.

13) Kim US, Kwon HS, Yang W, Lee W, Choi C, Kim JK, Lee SH, Rim D, Han JH. Prediction of the composition of urinary stones using deep learning. Investig Clin Urol. 2022 Jul;63(4):441-447

14) Choi J, Bang S, Suh J, Choi CI, Song W, Yuk HD, Lee CH, Kang M, Choo SH, Kim JK, Lee HH, Jo JK, Hwang EC, Jeong CW, Ko YH, Park JY, Song C, Seo SI, Chung J, Kwak C, Hong SH. Survival pattern of metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients according to WHO/ISUP grade: a long-term multi-institutional study. Sci Rep. 2024 Feb 27;14(1):4740.
