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The Pacific Asian Society of the Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (PASMISS) Á¤È¸¿ø

Scoliosis Research Society Active Fellow



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1. Free-Hand Pedicle Screw Placement During Revision Spinal Surgery.(08, °øÀú)

2. Surgical Treatment of Adult Scoliosis. (08, °øÀú)

3. A Central Hook-Rod Construct for Ostectomy Closure.(08, °øÀú)

4. Comparison of Radiographic Outcomes for the Treatment of Scoliotic Curves Greater Than 100 Degrees.(08, °øÀú)

5. The Morbidity of an Anterior Thoracolumbar Approach.(09, °øÀú)

6. The trajectory of iliac screw in the axial plane in 200 korean patients.(10, °øÀú)

7. Èä¿äÃß ÀÌÇàºÎ ¾ÈÁ¤¼º ¹Ù¿ï¼º °ñÀý½Ã ÇѽÃÀûÀΠôÃß ÈĹæ°íÁ¤¼úÀÇ ¿¹ºñº¸°í(02, °øÀú)

8. Vertebroplasty for the treatment of the painful osteoporotic compression Fx.(02)

9. °æºÎÀÇ ¹ü¹ß¼º Ư¹ß¼º °ñ°Ý°ú°ñ ÁõÈıº¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ ¿¬ÇÏ°ï¶õ -1·Ê º¸°í-(03, °øÀú) / Dysphagia Due to Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis of The Cervical Spine -A Case Report-

10. ÃÖ¼Ò Àý°³¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ¿äÈÄÀÇ ÈÄ¹æ °¨¾Ð¼ú ¹× ÈĹæ Ãßü°£ À¯ÇÕ¼ú - ¿¹ºñº¸°í - (03, °øÀú)

11. The posterior decompression and posterior lumbar interbody fusion using a mini-open technique.(03, °øÀú)

12. °ñ´Ù°øÁõ¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ ÅëÁõ¼º ôÃß ¾Ð¹Ú°ñÀý¿¡ ½ÃÇàÇÑ °æÇÇÀû ôÃß ¼ºÇü¼ú(04, °øÀú) / Vertebroplasty for the Treatment of Painful Osteoporotic Compression Fractures

13. ÀþÀº ¼ºÀο¡¼­ÀÇ Ã´Ãßü °ñÀý (3ôÃßü ÀÌ»ó) (05, °øÀú)

14. ÀÚµ¿È­ °æÇÇÀû ¿äÃß ¼öÇÙ ÀýÁ¦¼úÈÄ ´Ü±â°£°ú Àå±â°£ Ã߽à ¹× ´Ü±â°£ ¼öÇÙ ¼ºÇü¼úÀÇ °íÂû(05, °øÀú) / Early course and Long term follow-up after Automated Percutaneous Lumbar Discectomy and Short term follow-up after Nucleoplasty

15. °ñ´Ù°øÁõ¼º ôÃß ¾Ð¹Ú°ñÀý¿¡¼­ ôÃß ¼ºÇü¼ú°ú dz¼± ¼ºÇü¼úÀÇ ºñ±³(06, °øÀú) / Comparison between Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty in Osteoporotic Veltebral Compression Fractures

16. Àü¹æ Ãßü°£ À¯ÇÕ¼ú°ú ÈĿܹæ À¯ÇÕ¼ú ÈÄ Ãß°£ÆÇ ¹× Ãß°£°ø º¯È­¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ºñ±³(07, °øÀú)

17. °ñ´Ù°øÁõ¼º ôÃ߾йڰñÀý¿¡ ´ëÇÑ °æÇÇÀû ôÃß º¸°­¼ú (09)

18. Àü¹æ °æÃß À¯ÇÕ¼ú¿¡¼­ PEEK ÄÉÀÌÁö À̽ļú°ú ÀÚ°¡ ÁöÁÖ Àå°ñ À̽ļúÀÇ ÀÓ»óÀû ¿µ»óÀÇÇÐÀû ºñ±³ (09, °øÀú)

19. ÈäÃß°ñÀý (11, °øÀú)

±¹³»ÇÐȸÁö ¹ßÇ¥³í¹®³»¿ë
1. Percutaneous Vertebral Augmentation for the Treatment of Osteoporotic Spinal Fractures; Journal of Korean Society of Spine Surgery. Vol. 22, No. 4: 192-196, 2015

2. Thoracic Spine Fractures; Journal of the Korean Fracture Society, Vol. 24, No. 2; 195-205, 2011

3. Clinical and Radiographic Comparison of Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) Cage versus Autogenous Iliac Strut Bone Graft in Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion; The Journal of Korean Musculoskeletal Tissue Transplantation Society, Vol. 9, No. 2; 88-97, 2009

4. Percutaneous Vertebral Augmentation for Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures; Journal of the Korean Fracture Society. Vol. 22, No.3: 218-223, 2009

5. The Comparison of Changes in the Demensions of the Intervertebral Disc and Neural Foramen between Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion and Posterolateral Fusion in the Lumbar Spine; Journal of Korean Society of Spine Surgery. Vol. 14, No. 4; 263-269, 2007

6. Comparison between Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty in Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures; The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association. Vol. 41, No. 3: 489-494, 2006

7. Early course and Long term follow-up after Automated Percutaneous Lumbar Discectomy and Short term follow-up after Nucleoplasty; Journal of Korean Society of Spine Surgery. Vol. 12, NO. 4, pp 344-348, 2005

8. Multiple Spine Fractures of Young Adult (Over 3 Vertebrae); Journal of Korean Society of Spine Surgery, Vol. 12, NO. 3, pp 206-213, 2005

9. Vertebroplasty for the Treatment of Painful Osteoporotic Compression Fractures; Journal of the Korean Fracture Society. Vol. 17, No.1: 49-54, 2004

10. Dysphagia Due to Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis of The Cervical Spine; Journal of Korean Society of Spine Surgery. Vol. 10, No. 4: 335-339, 2003

11. The Posterior Decompression and Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion Using a Mini-open Technique. The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association. Vol. 38, No. 5: 492-497, 2003

12. Preliminary Report of Temporary Posterior Instrumentation in Stable Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures. Journal of Korean Society of Spine Surgery. Vol. 9, No. 4: 364-373, 2002

13. Effect of Intermittent Electrical Stimulation of Sciatic Nerve on Expression of Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase(nNOS) Protein in the Soleus and Medial Gastrocnemius Muscles following Hindlimb Suspension in Rats. The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association. Vol. 37, No. 4: 559-566, 2002

±¹Á¦ÇÐȸÁö ¹ßÇ¥³í¹®
1. Results of Revision Surgery for Proximal Junctional Kyphosis Following Posterior Segmental Instrumentation: Minimum 2-Year Post-Revision Follow-up; Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2016 Dec 15;41(24):E1444-E1452

2. Delayed Infrarenal Aortic Pseudoaneurysm Treated by Endovascular Stent Graft in Pyogenic Spondylitis; Asian Spine Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4; 345-350, 2013

3. The Combined Effects of Transforming Growth Factor-¥â and basic Fibroblast Growth Factor on the Human Degenerated Nucleus Pulposus Cells in Monolayer Culture; Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Vol. 10, No. 3; 146-154, 2013

4. The Trajectory of Iliac Screw in the Axial Plane in 200 Korean Patients; Asian Spine Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1; 39-43, 2010

5. The Morbidity of an Anterior Thoracolumbar Approach. Adult Spinal Deformity Patients with Greater Than Five-Year Follow-Up; Spine. Vol. 34, No. 8; 822-826, 2009

6. Comparison of Radiographic Outcomes for the Treatment of Scoliotic Curves Greater Than 100 Degrees; Spine. Vol. 33, No. 10; 1084-1092, 2008

7. A Cental Hook-Rod Construct for Osteotomy Closure; Spine. Vol. 33, No. 10; 1149-1155, 2008

8. Surgical Treatment of Adult Scoliosis; Spine. Vol.33, No. 10; 1125-1132, 2008

9. Free-Hand Pedicle Screw Placement During Revision Spinal Surgery; Spine. Vol. 33, No.10; 1141-1148, 2008

10. Is the T9, T11, or L1 the More Reliable Proximal Level After Adult Lumbar or Lumbosacral Instrumented Fusion to L5 or S1? ; Spine. Vol. 32, No. 24; 2653-2661, 2007

Àú¼­ / Àú¼ú
1. ôÃß¿Ü°úÇÐ (°øÀú), 2011³â

2. °ñÀýÇÐ (°øÀú), 2013³â

3. ô¼öÀå¾Ö, ¾Æ´Â ¸¸Å­ ÇູÇÑ »î (°øÀú), 2017³â