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Annals of Laboratory Medicine, Associate editor ¿ªÀÓ



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1. Comparing Six SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Assay Results Before and After the First and Second ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Vaccination Among Health Care Workers. J Clin Microbiol 2022

2. Performance comparison of SARS-CoV-2 antibody assays for a seroprevalence study. Ann Lab Med 2022;42:117-124

3. Serotype Distribution and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Salmonella Isolates in Korea between 2016 and 2017. Ann Lab Med 2022;42:268-73

4. Comparing Results of Five SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Assays Before and After the First Dose of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Vaccine among Health Care Workers: A Multicentre Prospective Study. J Clin Microbiol 2021;59(9):e01105-21

5. Genotypic Distribution and Antimicrobial Susceptibilities of Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae Isolated From Rectal and Clinical Samples in Korean University Hospitals Between 2016 and 2019. Ann Lab Med 2022;42(1):36-46.

6. Trajectory of genetic alterations associated with colistin resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii during an in-hospital outbreak of infectious diseases. J Antimicrob Chemother 2021

7. Rapid Tests for the Diagnosis of Viral Infections. Korean J Med 2021;96(5):415-20

8. Nasal Colonization of Serine Protease Positive Staphylococcus epidermidis Affecting Staphylococcus aureus Colonization. Ann Clin Microbiol 2021;24(3): 105-110

9. Clinical usefulness of SARS-CoV-2 antibody test. Ann Clin Microbiol 2021;24(3):67-73

10. Dynamics and Predictors of Mortality due to Candidemia Caused by Different Candida Species: Comparison of Intensive Care Unit-Associated Candidemia (ICUAC) and Non-ICUAC. J Fungi 2021;7:597

11. Relationship Between Rotavirus P[6] Infection in Korean Neonates and Histo-Blood Group Antigen: a Single-Center Study. Ann Lab Med 2021; 41(2):183-191

12. A Case of Localized Fungal Pneumonia Caused by Rhodotorula mucilaginosa in an Immunocompetent Patient. Ann Lab Med 2021; 41(1): 120-122.

13. Comparison of Three Methods with CHROMagar for Surveillance Culture of Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii. Ann Clin Microbiol 2020 March, 23(2): 67-72

14. Types, production and validation of reference materials for viral genetic testing. Ann Clin Microbiol 2020;23(2):57-66

15. Laboratory Tests for Diagnosis of Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19). J Health Tech Assess 2020;8(1):14-19.

16. COVID-19 Molecular Testing in Korea: Practical Essentials and Answers from Experts Based on Experiences of Emergency Use Authorization Assays. Ann Lab Med 2020; 40(6): 439-447

17. Impact of vanA-positive Enterococcus faecium exhibiting diverse susceptibility phenotypes to glycopeptides on 30-day mortality of patients with a bloodstream infection. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2020;64(7):e02180-19

18. Guidelines for Laboratory Diagnosis of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Korea. Ann Lab Med. 2020 Sep;40(5):351-360

19. Rapid Identification of OXA-48-like, KPC, NDM, and VIM Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae from Cultured Bacteria: Evaluation of the RESIST-4 O.K.N.V. Multiplex Lateral Flow Assay. Ann Lab Med 2020;40(12):259-63.

20. GeneReader NGS System Is a Useful Sequencing Platform for Clinical Testing of BRCA1 and BRCA2. Ann Clin Lab Sci. 2020 Jan;50(1):107-118

21. A Comparative Evaluation of BACT/ALERT FA PLUS and FN PLUS Blood Culture Bottles and BD BACTEC Plus Aerobic and Anaerobic Blood Culture Bottles for Antimicrobial Neutralization. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2019 Dec 38(12):2229-33.

22. Antimicrobial resistance in South Korea: a report form the Korean global antimicrobial resistance surveillance system (Kor-GLASS) for 2017. J Infect Chemther 2019; 25(11):845-59.

23. Serotype Distribution and Antimicrobial Resistance of Invasive and Noninvasive Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolates in Korea between 2014 and 2016. Ann Lab Med 2019;39(6):537-544

24. A Simple and Accurate Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Busulfan in Plasma. Ann Clin Lab Sci 2019 Mar 49(2):212-7

25. Accuracy evaluation of automated electrochemiluminescence immunoassay for everolimus and sirolimus compared to liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J Clin Lab Anal 2019;00:e22941

26. Whole-genome analysis of rotavirus G4P[6] strains isolated from Korean neonates: Association of Korean neonates and rotavirus P[6] genotypes. Gut pathogens 2019;11:37

27. Differences in Antimicrobial Resistance Phenotypes by the Group of CTX-M Extended-Spectrum ¥â-Lactamase. Ann Clin Microbiol 2019;22(1):1-8

28. Harmonization of Cardiac Troponin I: Significance of Sample Types. Clin Lab 2019;65:471-7.

29. Molecular Epidemiology of Human Astrovirus in Stool Samples From Patients With Acute Gastroenteritis in Korea, 2013–2017. Ann Lab Med 2019;39(4):367-372.

30. Evaluation of the Real-Q RV Detection Kit for the Identification of Viruses That Result in Respiratory Infections. Lab Med Online 2019:9(1):17-21

31. Application of next-generation sequencing to detect variants of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis: genotype–phenotype correlation. Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob 2019;18:2

32. Performance evaluation of a novel AFIAS rotavirus assay for the detection of rotavirus and genotype-dependent detectability in clinical specimens in Korea. Ann Lab Med 2019;39:50-57

33. Ceftaroline resistance by clone-specific polymorphism in penicillin-binding protein 2a of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2018;62(9):e00485-18

34. Emergence of G8P[6] rotavirus strains in Korean neonates. Gut Pathog 2018;10:27

35. Establishing cut-off for urine red blood cell and white blood cell dipstick tests. Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 2018

36. Proposed Imprecision Quality Goals for Urinary Albumin/Creatinine Ratio. Ann Lab Med 2018;38(5): 420-4.

37. Effect of creatinine and cystatin C measurement variations on calculated estimated glomerular filtration rate variations and the theoretical impact on kidney disease stage classification: A retrospective study. Clin Chim Acta. 2018 Feb;477:13-17

38. Analytical and Clinical Performance Evaluation of the Abbott Architect PIVKA Assay. Ann Clin Lab Sci. 2018 Jan;48(1):75-80.

39. Evaluation of a New Multiplex Real-Time PCR Assay for Detecting Gastroenteritis-Causing Viruses in Stool Samples. Ann Lab Med 2018;38:220-5

40. Utility of Reference Change Values for Delta Check Limits. Am J Clin Pathol 2017;148:323-9

41. High Prevalence of Rotavirus G4P[6] Genotypes among Neonates in Two Korean Hospitals. Ann Clin Microbiol 2017;20:63-66.

42. Analysis of Respiratory Viral Infections Detected Using Multiplex Real-Time PCR in Hwaseong, Korea from 2013 to 2015. Clin Lab 2017;63:1003-7.

43. Comparison of the Luminex xTAG Respiratory Viral Panel Fast v2 Assay With Anyplex II RV16 Detection Kit and AdvanSure RV Real-Time RT-PCR Assay for the Detection of Respiratory Viruses. Ann Lab Med 2017;37:408-414

44. Associations of Adenovirus Genotypes in Korean Acute Gastroenteritis Patients with Respiratory Symptoms and Intussusception. BioMed Res Int. 2017;2017:1602054

45. Guidelines for the Performance Evaluation of In-Vitro Diagnostic Test for the Detection of Norovirus Infection in Korea. Lab Med Online Vol. 2017;7(1): 1-6

46. Discrepancies between Antigen and Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests for the Detection of Rotavirus and Norovirus. Ann Clin Lab Sci 2016;46(3): 282-5.

47. Human Bocavirus in Korean Children with astroenteritis and Respiratory Tract Infections. BioMed Res Int 2016(2016):7507895

48. Novel Levofloxacin-Resistant Multidrug-Resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 11A Isolates, South Korea. Emerg Infect Dis 2016;22(11): 1978-80.

49. Prevalence and Molecular Characteristics of Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae From Five Hospitals in Korea. Ann Lab Med 2016; 36(6): 529-535

50. Carbapenem Inactivation Method: Accurate Detection and Easy Interpretation of Carbapenemase Production in Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas spp. Ann Clin Microbiol 2016;19(4): 83-7

51. Evaluation of the VIDAS Anti-HCV Assay for Detection of Hepatitis C Virus Infection. Ann Lab Med 2016; 36(6): 550-554

52. Discrepancies between Antigen and Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests for the Detection of Rotavirus and Norovirus. Ann Clin Lab Sci 2016;46(3):282-285.

53. Detection of Rotavirus from the Inner Surfaces of Domestic Refrigerators. Lab Med Online. 2016 Apr;6(2):93-97

54. Evaluation of Verigene Blood Culture Test Systems for Rapid Identification of Positive Blood Cultures. BioMed Res Int 2016;2016:1081536

55. Molecular Epidemiology of Human Norovirus in Korea in 2013. BioMed Res Int 2015;2015:468304

56. Discordance in colistin susceptibility test for Acinetobacter baumannii showing resistance: Microscan versus E-test. J Lab Med Qual Assur 2015;37:209-213.

57. Utility of Access Soluble Transferrin Receptor (sTfR) and sTfR/log Ferritin Index in Diagnosing Iron Deficiency Anemia. Ann Clin Lab Sci 2015;4(4):396-402.

58. Combined Use of the Modified Hodge Test and Carbapenemase Inhibition Test for Detection of Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae and Metallo-¥â-Lactamase-Producing Pseudomonas spp. Ann Lab Med 2015;35(2):212-9.

59. Increase in inflammatory cytokine levels and its prognostic ability in relation to the mortality of patients with burn injury Ann Lab Med 2015;35:105-110

60. Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and rifampin resistance in clinical specimens using the Xpert MTB/RIF assay. Ann Clin Lab Sci 2015: 45(1):32-38

61. A case of zoster sine herpete presenting with thoracie radicular pain diagnosed by polymerase chain reaction in skin exudate. Dermatologica Sinica 2014;32:180-182

62. Analysis of rotavirus genotypes in Korea during 2013: An increase in the G2P[4] genotype after the introduction of rotavirus vaccines. Vaccine 2014;32(48): 6396-6402

63. Changes in the incidence of Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteremia and its serotypes over 10 years in one hospital in South Korea. Vaccine 2014;32(48): 6403-7.

64. A case of zoster sine herpete presenting with thoracic radicular pain diagnosed by polymerase chain reaction in skin exudate. Dermatologica Sinica (Dermatol Sin) 2014.32:180-2.

65. Assessment of biochemical markers in early post-burn period for prediction of acute kidney injury and mortality in patients with major burn injury: Comparison of serum creatinine, serum cystatin-C, plasma and urine neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin: a prospective cohort study. Critical Care 2014;18(4):R151

66. A comparison between the efficiency of the Xpert MTB/RIF assay and nested PCR in identifying Mycobacterium tuberculosis during routine clinical practice. J Thoracic Disease 2014:6:625-631

67. Clinical Comparisons of Two Free Light Chain Assays to Immunofixation Electrophoresis for Detecting Monoclonal Gammopathy. BioMed Research International 2014:2014:647238

68. Analysis of Reporting Time for Identification of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Carriers Using ChromID MRSA. Ann Lab Med 2014;34(3):240-242 30

69. Evaluation of an immunoImmunochromatographic Assay for the Rapid and Simultaneous Detection of Rotavirus and Adenovirus in Stool Samples. Ann Lab Med 2014;34(3):216-222

70. Interferon-r enzyme-linked immunospot assay in patients with tuberculosis and healthy adults. Tuberc Respir Dis 2014;76(1):23-29

71. Evaluation of a New Real-time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay for Detection of Norovirus in Fecal Specimens. Diagn Micr Infec Dis 2014;78(1):40-44

72. Evaluation of immunochromatographic assay for the detection of rotavirus. Lab Med Qual Assur 2013;35:107-114

73. A Case of CMV Endotheliitis Treated with Intravitreal Ganciclovir Injection. Korean J Ophthalmol. 2013;27(2)Apr:130-132

74. Emergence of GII.4 Sydney norovirus in South Korea during the winter of 2012-2013. J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2013;23(11):1641-3.

75. Performance evaluation of ExiStation HBV diagnostic system forhepatitis B virus DNA quantitation. J Virol Methods 2013; 193: 492-7. (corresponding author)

76. A Case of der(19)t(1;19) in Refractory Anemia with Ring Sideroblasts Associated with Marked Thrombocytosis. Lab Med Online 2013 Apr;3(2):110-114

77. Evaluation of the SD Bioline norovirus rapid immunochromatography test using fecal specimens from Korean gastroenteritis patients. J Virol Methods 2012;186(1-2): 94-98.

78. Analysis of comparability test between reagent lots in immunoassay. Lab Med Online 2012:2(4):235-239.

79. Changes in the levels of interleukins 6, 8, and 10, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and granulocyte-colony stimulating factor in Korean burn patients: relation to burn size and postburn time. Ann Lab Med 2012;32(5):329-344 (SCIE)

80. Prediction of clinical outcomes for massively-burned patients via serum transthyretin levels in the early postburn period. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2012;72(4):999-1005

81. Lot-to-lot reagent variation in five immunoassay items: Analysis of reagent parallel test. Ann Clin Lab Sci 2012;42(2):165-173

82. Procalcitonin levels within 48 hours after burn injury as a prognostic factor. Ann Clin Lab Sci 2012;42(1):57-64

83. Comparison of the BACTEC Peds Plus pediatic blood culture bottle to the BacT/Alert PF pediatric blood culture bottle for culturing blood from pediatric patients. Korean J Clin Microbiol. 2011;14(4):126-30.

84. A serial study of hematologic change in burned patients. J Lab Med Qual Assur 2011;33(1):9-16

85. Association of interleukin 23 receptor gene with sarcoidosis. Disease Markers 2011;31(1):17-24

86. Evaluation of rapid antigen test for the detection of norovirus infection: Comparison with ELISA, and real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR assays. Lab Med Online 2011;1(4):184-9.

87. Prevalence of Anti-HBc and Occult Hepatitis B Virus Infections in Korean blood donors. Transfusion 2011;51:1840-1846

88. Detection of tuberculosis using artus M. tuberculosis PCR kit and COBAS AMPLICOR Mycobacterium tuberculosis test. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2011;15(6): 795-8.

89. Comparison of clinical and laboratory standards institute and European Committee on Antimicrobial susceptiblity testing breakpoints for b-lactams in Enterobacteriaceae producing extended-spectrum b-lactamases and/or plasmid-mediated AmpC b-lactamases. Korean J Clin Microbiol 2011;14:24-9.

90. Time-kill synergy tests of Tigecycline combined with immipenem, amikacin, and ciprofloxacin aainst clinical isolates of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli. Ann Clin Lab Sci 2011;41(1): 39-43

91. Levofloxacin and Torsades de Pointes. Tuberc Respir Dis 2010;69:474-9.

92. Epidemiological analysis of norovirus infection between March 2007 and February 2010. Korean J Lab Med 2010;30:647-53.

93. Analysis of lot-to-lot reagent variation in immunoassay. J Lab Med Qual Assur 2010;32:243-53.

94. Analysis of patients with positive acid-fast bacilli culture and negative T-SPOT.TB results. Korean J Lab Med 2010;30:414-9.

95. Clinical significance of bronchoalveolar lavage in severely burned patients with diffue lung infiltrations. J Korean Burn Society 2010;13:34-9.

96. Limbic encephalitis caused by human herpesvirus-6 infection in allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patient. J Korean Neurol Assoc 2010:28 (2):132-134.

97. Clinical Usefulness of T-spot.TB test for the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Korean J Lab Med 2010;30:171-7.

98. Effectiveness of Sodium Fluoride as a Glycolysis Inhibitor on Blood Glucose Measurement: Comparison of Blood Glucose using Specimens from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Korean J Lab Med 2009;29:524-8.

99. Comparison of Diagnostic Utility between Procalcitonin and C-Reactive Protein for the Patients with Blood Culture-Positive Sepsis. Korean J Lab Med 2009;29:529-35.

100. Usefulness of Semi-quantitative procalcitonin assay in critically ill patients with bacterial pneumonia. Infection and chemotherapy 2009;41(6):342-348

101. Interpretation of positive result for influenza A and negative result for Novel influenza A/H1N1 in reverse transcriptase PCR for novel influenza A/H1N1 J Lab Med Qual Assur 2009;31(2):287-91

102. Platelet count evaluation using three automated haematology analysers compared with the immunoplatelet reference method, and estimation of possible inadequate platelet transfusion. Int J Lab Hematol 2009.31(3) 298-306.

103. A model of phenotypic susceptibility to tuberculosis: deficient in silico selection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis epitopes by HLA alleles. Sarcoidosis Vasc Diffuse Lung Dis. 2008; 25: 21-8.

104. Current status of serum allergen tests in Korea. Korean J Lab Med 2008; 28: 124-9.

105. A case of idiopathic CD4+ T-lymphocytopenia associated with autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Korean J Hematol 2007; 42: 53-7.

106. A study of serum adiponectin and insulin resistance in children and adolescents. Korean J Pediatric Endocrinol 2007; 12: 63-70.

107. Disinfection efficacy of an automated endoscopic reporcessing system with ozonated water. Infect Chemother 2006.38:204-9

108. Evaluation of allergen specific IgE assay on ADVIA Centaur immunoassay system. Korean J Lab Med 2006; 26: 362-8.

109. Analysis of turnaround time for packed red blood cell delivery by laboratory information system: Shortening of turnaround time through quality improvement program. J Lab Med Qual Assur 2006; 28: 199-206

110. Analysis of simultaneous positivity to multiple allergens on MAST CLA test. Korean J Lab Med 2005;25:381-6.

111. Association of HLA-DR and -DQ genes with susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis in Koreans: preliminary evidence of associations with drug resistance, disease severity and disease recurrence. Human Immunology 2005;66:1074-81. 30+30

112. A case of human toxocariasis with eosinophilic meningitis. Korean J Athma Allergy Clin Immunol 2005; 25: 324-7.

113. Evaluation of Coulter LH 750TM on leukocyte differential count and suspect flags. Korean J Clin Lab Sci 2005; 37: 143-8.

114. Guideline for the maximum surgical blood order schedule (MSBOS) for surgical operations. Korean J Clin Lab Sciences 2004; 36: 153-7.

115. A case of anaplastic myeloma: role of immunophenotyping in initial diagnosis. Korean J Lab Med 2004; 24: 203-6.

116. HLA-A, -B, -DR allele frequencies and haplotypic associations in Koreans defined by generic-level DNA typing. Korean J Lab Med 2003; 23: 420-30

117. A case of POEMS syndrome with unclassifiable myeloproliferative disorder. Korean J Hematol 2003; 38: 142-6.

118. Molecular epidemiologic study of urinary tract infection by Myroides species (Flavobacterium odoratum). Korean J Infect Chemother 2003; 35: 199-204.

119. Analysis of ambiguities of HLA-B typing using the Dynal RELITM SSO HLA-B test and development of an 'Interpretation program for Koreans'. Korean J Lab Med 2003; 23: 268-78.

120. A case of Influenza-associated encephalopathy. J Korean Pediatr Soc 2003; 46: 1024-8.

121. Evaluation of the HM-JACK automatic analyzer for fecal occult blood test. J Lab Med Qual Assur 2002; 24: 221-4.

122. Measurement of PT, aPTT, and fibrinogen by automatic coagulation analyzer, Sysmex CA-540. J Clin Pathol Quality Control 2001; 23: 247-52.

123. Turnaround times of blood issue analyzed by a computer system. Korean J Blood Transfusion 2001; 12: 47-53.

124. The measurement of red cell size in peripheral blood smear; comparison of mean corpuscular area and mean corpuscular volume. Korean J Clin Pathol 2001; 21: 13-7.

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