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Çö) Kidney Research and Clinical Practice ÆíÁýÀ§¿ø

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1. A Case of Chronic Renal Failure Associated with Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome : Seon Ha Baek, Nara Shin, Hyo Jin Kim, Mi Yeun Han, Dong-Ju Choi, Soo-Mee Bang, Sejoong Kim, Jin Ho Paik - Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2012 Dec;29(2):145-149. Korea

2. ¹ÚÇýÀÎÁ¶, ȲÁøÈ£, ¹é¼±ÇÏ, Çѹ̿¬, ¿À±¹È¯, ±¸ÀÚ·æ, ±èÇüÁ÷, ³ëÁ¤¿ì, Á¤¿ì°æ, ±è¿µ¿Á, ¾È±Ô¸®, Ȳ¿µÈ¯. »ó¿°»öü¿ì¼º ´Ù³¶½Å¿¡¼­ Áúº´ÁøÇà ¿¹ÃøÀÎÀڷμ­ ¿äÁß ¾ÈÁö¿ÀÅٽóë°ÕÀÇ À¯¿ë¼º. ´ëÇÑ ½ÅÀåÇÐȸÁö. 2011

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1. Evaluation and management of hypernatremia in adults: clinical perspectives.
Yun G, Baek SH, Kim S. (Co-first)Korean J Intern Med. 2022 Dec 29. doi: 10.3904/kjim.2022.346.

2. Korean Society of Nephrology 2022 recommendations on controversial issues in diagnosis and management of hyponatremia.
Lee Y, Yoo KD, Baek SH, Kim YG, Kim HJ, Ryu JY, Paek JH, Suh SH, Oh SW, Lee J, Jhee JH, Suh JS, Yang EM, Park YH, Kim YL, Choi M, Oh KH, Kim S; Hyponatremia Guideline Development Group. Korean J Intern Med. 2022 Nov;37(6):1120-1137. Kidney Res Clin Pract. 2022 Jul;41(4):393-411 Electrolyte Blood Press. 2022 Jun;20(1):21-38

3. Incidence of depression in kidney transplant recipients in South Korea: a long-term population-based study.
Cho S, Park S, Kim JE, Yu MY, Baek SH, Han K, Lee H, Kim DK, Joo KW, Kim YS, Kim YC. Sci Rep. 2022 Oct 20;12(1):17603.

4. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis following the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine : Lim CA, Lee HS, Yoon S, Kim EJ, Seo JW, Koo JR, Baek SH. Kidney Res Clin Pract. 2022 Mar;41(2):263-266. doi: 10.23876/j.krcp.21.308. Epub 2022 Feb 22.

5. De novo major cardiovascular events in kidney transplant recipients: a comparative matched cohort study.
Kim JE, Park J, Park S, Yu MY, Baek SH, Park SH, Han K, Kim YC, Kim DK, Oh KH, Joo KW, Kim YS, Lee H.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2022 Apr 9.

6. Risk factors for overcorrection of severe hyponatremia: a post hoc analysis of the SALSA trial.
Yang H, Yoon S, Kim EJ, Seo JW, Koo JR, Oh YK, Jo YH, Kim S, Baek SH. Kidney Res Clin Pract. 2022 May;41(3):298-309. doi: 10.23876/j.krcp.21.180. Epub 2022 Feb 22.

7. Efficacy and safety of rapid intermittent bolus compared with slow continuous infusion in patients with severe hypernatremia (SALSA II trial): a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Ryu JY, Yoon S, Lee J, Baek S, Jo YH, Ko KP, Sim JA, Han J, Kim S, Baek SH. Kidney Res Clin Pract. 2022 Apr 13

8. Incident Parkinson's disease in kidney transplantation recipients: a nationwide population-based cohort study in Korea. : Baek SH, Park S, Yu MY, Kim JE, Park SH, Han K, Kim YC, Kim DK, Joo KW, Kim YS, Lee H.Sci Rep. 2021 May 18;11(1):10541.

9. Association between copeptin levels and treatment responses to hypertonic saline infusion in patients with symptomatic hyponatremia: a prospective cohort study. : Go S, Kim S, Son HE, Ryu JY, Yang H, Choi SR, Seo JW, Jo YH, Koo JR, Baek SH. Kidney Res Clin Pract. 2021 Sep;40(3):371-382

10. Fatal Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome after SARS-CoV-2Vaccination in Patient with Multiple Myeloma. : Choi GJ, Baek SH, Kim J, Kim JH, Kwon GY, Kim DK, Jung YH, Kim S. Emerg Infect Dis. 2021 Nov;27(11):2973-2975

11. Changes in duplex ultrasound parameters during maturation according to arteriovenous access types in incident hemodialysis patients. : Lee JJ, Choi SR, Lee EJ, Yang HY, Baek SH, Seo JW, Koo JR.J Vasc Access. 2021 Mar 28:11297298211005248.

12. GDF-15 Predicts In-Hospital Mortality of Critically Ill Patients with Acute Kidney Injury Requiring Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy: A Multicenter Prospective Study. Lim JH, Jeon Y, Ahn JS, Kim S, Kim DK, Lee JP, Ryu DR, Seong EY, Ahn SY, Baek SH, Jung HY, Choi JY, Park SH, Kim CD, Kim YL, Cho JH.J Clin Med. 2021 Aug 18;10(16):3660.

13. Risk of Overcorrection in Rapid Intermittent Bolus vs Slow Continuous Infusion Therapies of Hypertonic Saline for Patients With Symptomatic Hyponatremia: The SALSA Randomized Clinical Trial : Seon Ha Baek , You Hwan Jo , Soyeon Ahn , Kristianne Medina-Liabres , Yun Kyu Oh , Jung Bok Lee, Sejoong Kim - JAMA Intern Med. 2021 Jan 1;181(1):81-92.

14. Optimal treatment with hypertonic saline in patients with symptomatic hyponatremia: a perspective from a randomized clinical trial (SALSA trial). Baek SH, Kim S. - Kidney Res Clin Pract. 2020 Dec 31;39(4):504-506

15. Optimal systolic blood pressure in noncritically ill patients with acute kidney injury: A retrospective cohort study. Baek SH, Chin HJ, Na KY, Chae DW, Kim S. - Kidney Res Clin Pract. 2019 Sep 30;38(3):356-364.

16. Circulating renalase predicts all-cause mortality and renal outcomes in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease. Baek SH, Cha RH, Kang SW, Park CW, Cha DR, Kim SG, Yoon SA, Kim S, Han SY, Park JH, Chang JH, Lim CS, Kim YS, Na - KY.Korean J Intern Med. 2019 Jul;34(4):858-866.

17. Predialysis hyponatremia and mortality in elderly patients beginning to undergo hemodialysis. Baek SH, Kim S, Na KY, Kim S, Chin HJ. - Korean J Intern Med. 2018 Sep;33(5):970-979.

18. Higher Serum Levels of Osteoglycin Are Associated with All-Cause Mortality and Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Events in Patients with Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease.
: Seon Ha Baek, Ran-hui Cha, Shin Wook Kang, Cheol Whee Park, Dae Ryong Cha, Sung Gyun Kim, Sun Ae Yoon, Sejoong Kim, Sang-Youb Han, Jung Hwan Park, Jae Hyun Chang, Chun Soo Lim, Yon Su Kim, Ki Young Na* - Tohoku J Exp Med. 2017 Aug;242(4):281-290.

19. Efficacy and safety of rapid intermittent correction compared with slow continuous correction with hypertonic saline in patients with moderately severe or severe symptomatic hyponatremia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (SALSA trial) : Lee A, Jo YH, Kim K, Ahn S, Oh YK, Lee H, Shin J, Chin HJ, Na KY, Lee JB, Baek SH, Kim S. -Trials. 2017 Mar 29;18(1):147. (Co-correspondence)

20. Pre-Stage Acute Kidney Injury Can Predict Mortality and Medical Costs in Hospitalized Patients : Lee J, Baek SH, Ahn SY, Chin HJ, Na KY, Chae DW, Kim S. (co-first) - PLoS One. 2016 Dec 1;11(12):e0167038

21. Frailty as a Predictor of Acute Kidney Injury in Hospitalized Elderly Patients: A Single Center, Retrospective Cohort Study. : Baek SH, Lee SW, Kim SW, Ahn SY, Yu MY, Kim KI, Chin HJ, Na KY, Chae DW, Kim S. - PLoS One. 2016 Jun 3;11(6):e0156444

22. Outcomes of predialysis nephrology care in elderly patients beginning to undergo dialysis. : Baek SH, Ahn Sy, Lee SW, Park YS, Kim S, Na KY, Chae DW, Kim S, Chin HJ.
-PLoS One. 2015 Jun 1;10(6):e0128715

23. Effects of a DPP4 inhibitor on cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. : Baek SH, Kim SH, Kim JW, Kim YJ, Lee KW, Na KY.
-Trials. 2015 May 29;16:239

24. Control of fluid balance guided by body composition monitoring in patients on peritoneal dialysis (COMPASS): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial : Seon Ha Baek, Kook-Hwan Oh, Sejoong Kim, Dong Ki Kim, Kwon-Wook Joo, Yun Kyu Oh, Byoung Geun Han, Jae Hyun Chang, Wookyung Chung, Yon Su Kim and Ki Young Na - Trials 2014, 15:432

25. A Low-Salt Diet Increases the Estimated Net Endogenous Acid Production in Nondiabetic Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Treated with Angiotensin Receptor Blockade : Seon Ha Baek, Sejoong Kim, Dong Ki Kim, Jung Hwan Park, Sung Joon Shin, Sang Ho Lee, Bum Soon Choi, Ho Jun Chin, Suhnggwon Kim, Chun Soo Lim - Nephron Clin Pract DOI: 10.1159/000369558

26. Renal adverse effects of sunitinib and its clinical significance: a single-center experience in Korea :Seon Ha Baek, Hyunsuk Kim, Jeonghwan Lee, Dong Ki Kim, Kook-Hwan Oh, Yon Su Kim, Jin Suk Han, Tae Min Kim, Se-Hoon Lee, and Kwon-Wook Joo - Korean J Intern Med. 2014 Jan;29(1):40-8. doi: 10.3904/kjim.2014.29.1.40. Epub 2014 Jan 2

27. Effect of Bilirubin on Triglyceride Synthesis in Streptozotocin- Induced Diabetic Nephropathy : Jianwei Xu, Eun Seong Lee, Seon Ha Baek, Shin-Young Ahn, Sejoong Kim, Ki Young Na, Dong-Wan Chae, and Ho Jun Chin - J Korean Med Sci 2014; 29: S155-163

28. Incident Chronic Kidney Disease and Newly Developed Complications Related to Renal Dysfunction in an Elderly Population during 5 Years: A Community-Based Elderly
Population Cohort Study : Shin Young Ahn, Jiwon Ryu, Seon Ha Baek, Sejoong Kim, Ki Young Na, Ki Woong Kim, Dong-Wan Chae, Ho Jun Chin - PLoS One. 2013 Dec 18;8(12):e84467

29. Proteinuria and hematuria are associated with acute kidney injury and mortality in critically ill patients: a retrospective observational study. : Seung Seok Han, Shin Young Ahn, Jiwon Ryu, Seon Ha Baek, Ho Jun Chin, Ki Young Na, Dong-Wan Chae and Sejoong Kim - BMC Nephrology 2014, 15:93

30. Chronic asymptomatic pyuria precedes overt urinary tract infection and deterioration of renal function in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease : Jin Ho Hwang, Hayne Cho Park, Jong Cheol Jeong, Seon ha Baek, Mi Yeun Han, Kitae Bang, Jeong Yeon Cho, Suk Hee Yu, Jaeseok Yang, Kook-Hwan Oh, Young-Hwan Hwang and Curie Ahn - BMC Nephrology 2013, 14:1

31. Small Increases in Plasma Sodium Are Associated with Higher Risk of Mortality in a Healthy Population : Se Won Oh, Seon Ha Baek, Jung Nam An, Ho Suk Goo, Sejoong Kim, Ki Young Na, Dong Wan Chae, Suhnggwon Kim and Ho Jun Chin - J Korean Med Sci 2013; 28: 1034-1040

32. Serum anion gap is predictive of mortality in an elderly population : Shin Young Ahn, Jiwon Ryu, Seon Ha Baek, JiWon Han, Jang Han Lee, Soyeon Ahn, Kwang Il Kima, Ho Jun Chin, Ki Young Na, Dong-Wan Chae, Ki Woong Kim, Sejoong Kim - Exp Gerontol. 2014 Feb;50:122-7.

33. U-shape relationship of white blood cells with acute kidney injury and mortality in critically ill patients. :Seung Seok Han, Shin Young Ahn, Jiwon Ryu, Seon Ha Baek, Kwang-il Kim, Ho Jun Chin, Ki Young Na, Dong-Wan Chae, Sejoong Kim - Tohoku J Exp Med. 2014;232(3):177-85.

34. Impact of parathyroidectomy on allograft outcomes in kidney transplantation :Hee Jung Jeon,Yoon Jung Kim, Hyuk Yong Kwon, Tai Yeon Koo, Seon Ha Baek, Hyo-Jin Kim, Woo Seong Huh, Kyu Ha Huh, Myoung Soo Kim, Yu Seun Kim, Su-Kil Park, Curie Ahn and Jaeseok Yang - Transpl Int. 2012 Dec;25(12):1248-56.

35. Mild decrease in estimated glomerular filtration rate and proteinuria are associated with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in the general population. :Se Won Oh, Seon Ha Baek, Yong Chul Kim, Ho Suk Goo, Nam Ju Heo, Ki Young Na, Dong Wan Chae, Suhnggwon Kim and Ho Jun Chin - Nephrol Dial Transplant (2012) 27: 2284–2290

36. Higher hemoglobin level is associated with subtle declines in renal function and presence of cardiorenal risk factors in early CKD stages : Se Won Oh, Seon Ha Baek, Yong Chul Kim, Ho Suk Goo, Ho Jun Chin, Ki Young Na, Dong Wan Chae and Suhnggwon Kim - Nephrol Dial Transplant (2012) 27: 267–275

37. Long-term Prognosis of Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody-Negative Renal Vasculitis: Cohort Study in Korea. :Lee SW, Yu MY, Baek SH, Ahn SY, Kim S, Na KY, Chae DW, Chin HJ.
-J Korean Med Sci. 2016 Apr;31(4):542-6

38. Glomerular Hypertrophy Is a Risk Factor for Relapse in Minimal Change Disease Patients. :Lee SW, Yu MY, Baek SH, Ahn SY, Kim S, Na KY, Chae DW, Chin HJ. -Nephron. 2016;132(1):43-50.

39. Anemia Is a Risk Factor for Acute Kidney Injury and Long-Term Mortality in Critically Ill Patients. :Han SS, Baek SH, Ahn SY, Chin HJ, Na KY, Chae DW, Kim S. -Tohoku J Exp Med. 2015;237(4):287-95.

40. Effects of acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease on long-term mortality after coronary artery bypass grafting. :Han SS, Shin N, Baek SH, Ahn SY, Kim DK, Kim S, Chin HJ, Chae DW, Na KY. :Am Heart J. 2015 Mar;169(3):419-25.

41. Predictive value of echocardiographic parameters for clinical events in patients starting hemodialysis. :Han SS, Cho GY, Park YS, Baek SH, Ahn SY, Kim S, Chin HJ, Chae DW, Na KY. -J Korean Med Sci. 2015 Jan;30(1):44-53.

42. Glomerular Immune Deposits Are Predictive of Poor Long-Term Outcome in Patients with Adult Biopsy-Proven Minimal Change Disease: A Cohort Study in Korea. :Lee SW, Yu MY, Baek SH, Ahn SY, Kim S, Na KY, Chae DW, Chin HJ. -PLoS One. 2016 Jan 22;11(1):e0147387

43. Tubular B7-1 expression parallels proteinuria levels, but not clinical outcomes in adult minimal change disease patients. Lee SW, Baek SH, Paik JH, Kim S, Na KY, Chae DW, Chin HJ. -Sci Rep. 2017 Feb 2;7:41859.

44. The Effects of Pre-Existing Hyponatremia and Subsequent-Developing Acute Kidney Injury on In-Hospital Mortality: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Lee SW, Baek SH, Ahn SY, Na KY, Chae DW, Chin HJ, Kim S. -PLoS One. 2016 Sep 13;11(9):e0162990. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0162990.