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1995°í·Á´ëÇб³ ÀϹݴëÇпø ÀÇÇÐ ¼®»ç

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1998 ~ 2009°í·Á´ëÇб³¾È»êº´¿ø Á¶±³¼ö

2005 ~ 2007University of California, Irvine(UCI)

2009 ~ 2013»ï¼º¼­¿ïº´¿ø ÀÓ»ó±³¼ö

Visiting Professor, Susan Samueli Center of Integrative Medicine

~ 2011¹Ì±¹ ÀÇ»ç¸éÇã ½ÃÇè (USMLE Step I, II & III)

~ 2015California Trinity University:Instructor

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1. Anesthetic management for a pediatric patient with Joubert syndrome-a case report-. Yoon-Sook Lee, Woon Young Kim, Kyoung-gun Kim, Moon-seok Chang, Jae Hwan Kim, and young Cheol Park. Korean J anesthesiol 2009;57:96-9.

2. Effect of fentanyl on hemodynamic changes connected with a thigh tourniquet during knee arthroscopic surgery. Yoon-Sook Lee, Jae Hwan Kim, Moon-ho Cha, Doo Jae Min, Woon Young Kim, Moon Seok Chang and Young Choel Park. Korean J Anesthesiol 2009;56(1):6-10.

3. The effect of cranial stimulation on preoperative anxiety and hemodynamic responses. Hyun Jung Kim,M.D., Woon Young Kim,M.D., Moon Seok Chang,M.D., Jae Hwan Kim,M.D., and Young Choel Park,M.D. Korean J Anesthesiol 2008;55;657-61.

4. The effect of Sufentanyl on myocardial function and coronary flow in an isolated-heart rat model. Kyung Won Seo,M.D., Myoung Gang Shin,M.D., Yoon Sook Lee,M.D., Moon Seok Chang,M.D., Woon Young Kim,M.D., Jae Hwan Kim,M.D., and Young Cheol Park,M.D. Korean J Anesthesiol 2006;51:216-21.

5. Anesthetic management of a patient with tuberous sclerosis for selective arterial embolization. WoonYoung Kim,M.D., Yoon Sook Lee,M.D., Hyeong Uk Choi,M.D., Moon Seok Chang,M.D., Jae Hwan Kim,M.D., and Young Choel Park,M.D. Korean J Anesthesiol 2005;49:S47-50

6. The cardiovascular effect of thoracic bolus epidural injection of lidocaine, morphine and fentanyl during sevoflurane general anesthesia. Hyunju Shin,M.D., Seunghwan Oh,M.D.,Moonseok Jang, M.D., Ilok Lee,M.D., Mikyung Lee,M.D., Sangho Lim,M.D., Nansook Kim,M.D., and Myounghoon Kong,M.D., Ph.D. Korean J Anesthesiol 2005;49:314-20.

7. The effect of epidural block on renal function in patients undergoing subtotal gastrectomy with general anesthesia. Moon Seok Chang, M.D. Korean J Critical Care Med 2005;20:44-8.

8. Anesthesia for Cesarean section of HELLP syndrome and abruption placenta. Woon Young Kim,M.D., Youn Sik Shin,M.D., Yoon Suk Lee,M.D., Moon Seok Chang,M.D., Jae Hwan Kim,M.D., and Young Cheol Park,M.D. Korean J Obst Anesthesiol 2005;8:45-9.

9. The effect of sevoflurane on myocardial function and coronary flow in an isolated-heart rat model. Doo-Jae Min,M.D., Yoon Sook Lee,M.D., Jae Hwan Kim,M.D., Young Cheol Park,M.D., and Moon Seok Chang,M.D. Korean J Anesthesiol;48:642-50.

10. The effect of preoperative administration of ketorolac and postoperative local anesthetic infiltration for pain relief after laparascopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy. Jae Hwan Kim,M.D, Myoung Gang Shin,M.D., Yoon Sook Lee,M.D., Moon Seok Chang,M.D., Young Cheol Park,M.D., and Woon Young Kim,M.D. Korean J Obst Anesthesiol 2004;7:104-9

11. The combined use of timing principle and LMA to secure air way patency. Moon Seok Chang,M.D, Doo Jae Min,M.D., Jae-whan Kim,M.D , Yoon Sook Lee,M.D., Woon-young Kim,M.D, Seong-bae Kim,M.D.Young-cheol Park,M.D. Korean J Anesthesiol 2004;46:643-6.

12. The effects of different doses of ketorolac administered in conjuction with butorphanol in intravenous patient controlled analgesia. Woon-young Kim,M.D, Hyung Uk Choi,M.D., Seong-bae Kim,M.D., Kyung Hwa Ju,M.D., Moon Seok Chang,M.D , Jae-whan Kim,M.D , Young-cheol Park,M.D., Hae Jung Kim,M.D.Korean J Obst Anesth 2003;6:44-8.

13. OptimalTime Interval of Rocuronium Pretreatment for Prevention of Biochemical Changes, Fasciculations and Myalgia Following Succinylcholline Administration. Seong-bae Kim,M.D., Jae-whan Kim,M.D., Woon-young Kim,M.D., Moon-seok Chang,M.D., Hee-dong Yoon,M.D., Young-cheol Park,M.D. Korean J Anesth 2002;42:587-93.

14. The effect of lithotomy position on hyperbaric tetracaine spinal anesthesia in Cesarean section. Hee-dong Yoon,M.D, Woon-young Kim,M.D., Hye-won Shin,M.D., Hae-ja Lim,M.D., Seong-bae Kim,M.D., Moon-seok Chang,M.D., et al. J Korean S Obst Anesth 2001;4:31-6.

15. Rocuronium and lidocain pretreatment for prevention of biochemical changes, Fasciculations and Myalgia following Succinylcholline administration. Jae-whan Kim,M.D.,Moon-seok Chang,M.D., Hee-dong Yoon,M.D., Young-cheol Park,M.D. Korean J Anesthesiol 2001;40:561-6.

16. Production and accumulation of plasma carboxyhemoglobin in minimal flow anesthesia. Tae-hyun Han,M.D., Moon-seok Chang,M.D., Young-cheol Park,M.D. Korean J anesthesiol 2000:38:954-8.

17. Does perioperative monitoring of the Train-of-Four response influence the frequency of postoperative residual curarization in propofol anesthesia?. Seung-joo Yoon,M.D., Moon-seok Chang,M.D., Hun Cho,M.D., Myoung-hoon Kong,M.D., Suk-min Yoon,M.D. Korean J Anesthesiol 2000;38:783-8.

18. The effect of epidural block on renal function in patients undergoing total abdominal hysterectoy with general anesthesia. Moon-seok Chang,M.D., Ji-yeon Kim,M.D., Jae-whan Kim,M.D., Young-cheol Park,M.D. Korean J Anesthesiol 2000;38:278-82.

19. Effects of concentration of preoperatively administered epidural bupivacaine on postoperative pain control. Moon-seok Chang,M.D., Hae-ja Lim,M.D., Hye-won Lee,M.D., Hun Cho,M.D., Seong-ho Chang,M.D.,Suk-min Yoon,M.D.,et al. Korean J Anesthesiol 1999;37:825-30.

20. Mental depression after general anesthesia caused by unknown intracranial tumor-a case report-. Moon-seok Chang,M.D., Hun Cho,M.D., Hye-won Lee,M.D., Hae-ja Lim,M.D.,Seong-ho Chang,M.D.,Suk-min Yoon,M.D. Korean J Anesth 1999;37:357-60.

21. The effect of lung disease in the arterial to end tidal carbondioxide tension difference. Jae-whan Kim,M.D., Moon-seok Chang,M.D., Young-cheol Park,M.D., Choon-hak Lim,M.D. Korean J Anesthesiol 1999;36:818-22.

22. The effects of epidural anesthesia on the renal blood flow and renal function in dogs. Moon-seok Chang,M.D., Mi-kyung Lee,M.D. Korean J Anesthesiol 1998;35:1053-60.

23. A clinical Assessment of epidural block for acute postoperative pain control in 2,381 cases. Moon Suck Chang,M.D., Byung Kook Chae,M.D., Hye Won Lee,M.D., Hae Ja Lim,M.D., and Seong Ho Chang,M.D. J Korean Pain Society 1995;8:235-43.

24. End tidal CO2 monitering with Salter divided nasal canular in post-extubated spontaneous breathing patients. Moon suk Chang,M.D, Hae Ja Lim, M.D., Hun Cho,M.D., Myung Hoon Kong,M.D., Nan Sook Kim,M.D., and Seong Ho Chang,M.D. Korean J Anesthesiol 1994;27:925-9.

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Publications (in reversed chronological order)

1. The Effects of Midazolam on the Bispectral Index after Fetal Expulsion in Caesarean Section under General Anesthesia with Sevoflurane. Ok SJ, Kim WY, Lee YS ,Kim KG, Shin HW, Chang MS, Kim JH, Park YC. Journal of International Medical Research 2009:37(1): 154-162

2. The effect of methods of ondansetron administration on nausea and vomiting during intravenous patient-controlled analgesia in pediatric patients undergoing pectus excavatum repair. Youn-sik Shin,M.D.,Jae Hwan Kim,M.D.,Sung-Moon Baek,M.D., Yoon-Sook Lee,M.D., Woon Young Kim,M.D., Moon-Seok Chang,M.D.,and Young Cheol Park,M.D.Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2008;3(4):250-4.

3. Lidocaine does not prevent bispectral index increases in response to endotracheal intubation. Woon-young Kim,MD., Yoon-Sook Lee,MD, Se-Jin Ok,MD, Moon-Seok Chang,MD, Jae-Hwan Kim,MD,Young-Choel Park,MD, and Hye-Ja Lim,MD. Anesth Analg 2006;102:156-9.

4. Effect of fresh gas flow on isoflurane concentrations during low-flow anesthesia. J-Y Park, J-H Kim, W-Y Kim, M-S Chang, J-Y Kim, H-W Shin. J Int Med Res 2005;33:513-9.

5. Effect of administration of ketorolac and local anesthetic infiltration for pain relief after laparascopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy. JH Kim, YS Lee, HW Shin, MS Chang, YC Park and WY Kim. . J Int Med Res 2005;33:372-8.