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1. Lee, W., Choi, S. Y., Lee, C., Yoo, S., You, D., Jeong, I. G., Song, C., Kim, K. S., Hong, B., Hong, J. H., Ahn, H., Kim, C. S. Does epithelioid angiomyolipoma have poorer prognosis, compared with classic angiomyolipoma?. Investigative and clinical urology, 59(6), 357–362, 2018

2. Lee W., Lim B., Kyung Y.S., Kim C.S. Impact of positive surgical margin on biochemical recurrence in localized prostate cancer, Prostate International, 2021,

3. Wonchul Lee, Jesang Yu, Jae-Lyun Lee, Young Seok Kim, Bumsik Hong Clinical features and oncological outcaomes of primary female urethral cancer, Journal of surgical oncology 2022

4. Wonchul Lee, Wook Nam, Bumjin Lim, Yoon Soo Kyung, Choung-Soo Kim, Hanjong Ahn, Bumsik Hong Impact of preoperative chemotherapy on pathologic nodal status in muscle-invasive bladder cancer: optimal lymphadenectomy in the preoperative chemotherapy era, Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 2021

5. Wonchul Lee, Bumjin Lim, Yoon Soo Kyung, Choung-Soo Kim Comparative oncological outcomes after radical prostatectomy or external beam radiation therapy plus androgen deprivation therapy in men with clinical T3b prostate cancer, International Journal of Urology, 2022

6. Bumjin Lim, Wonchul Lee, Yoon Soo Kyung, Dalsan You, In Gab Jeong, Jun Hyuk Hong, Hanjong Ahn, Choung-Soo Kim Biopsy-detected Gleason grade 5 tumor is an additional prognostic factor in metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer, Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 2021

7. Se Young Choi, Bumjin Lim, Byung Hoon Chi, Wonchul Lee, Jung Hoon Kim, Yoon Soo Kyung, Dalsan You, Choung-Soo Kim The curative effect of androgen deprivation therapy alone is insufficient in high-risk prostate cancer, Medicine, 2021

8. Se Young Choi, Bumjin Lim, Byoung Hoon Chi, Jung Hoon Kim, Wonchul Lee, Dalsan You, Choung-Soo Kim Hybrid ileal pouch with concomitant anti-refluxing and refluxing ureteroileal anastomosis, BMC urology, 2021

9. Se Young Choi, Wonchul Lee, Bumjin Lim, Yoon Soo Kyung, Byoung Hoon Chi, Jung Hoon Kim, Dalsan You, Ho-Young Song, Choung-Soo Kim Efficacy and tolerability of metallic stent in patients with malignant prostatic obstruction secondary to prostatic cancer, Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, 2021

10. Se Young Choi, Byung Hoon Choi, Tae-Hyoung Kim, Wonchul Lee, Bumjin Lim, Dalsan You, Choung-Soo Kim Does intraoperative frozen section really predict significant positive surgical margins after robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy? A retrospective study Asian Journal of Andrology, 2020

11. Se Young Choi, Byoung Hoon Chi, Wonchul Lee, Bumjin Lim, Dalsan You, Choung-Soo Kim Luteinizing Hormone Levels Relate to the Unfavorable Pathology of Prostate Cancer, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2020

12. Jaeohoon Lee, Han Kyu Chae, Wonchul Lee, Wook Nam, Bumjin Lim, Se Young Choi, Yoon Soo Kyung, Dalsan You, In Gab Jeong, Cheryn Song, Bumsik Hong, Jun Hyuk Hong, Hanjong Ahn, Choung-Soo Kim Comparison of Prognosis in Types 1 and 2 papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma and Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma in T1 Stage, The Korean Journal of Urological Oncology, 2018